мммммммммммммммммм GamesNet International лллллллллллллллллллл ASCII PICCY : лллллллллллллллллллллм (C) 1994 INSANE MADMAN ллллллллллпллллллллллллм ммммммммммм ллллллллллАппллллллллллллм лллллллллл пмм ллллллллллБА ллллллллллллмллллллллллА А ппмм ллллллллллБААА лллллллллллллллллллллл А А А л ллллллллллмББВВмм лллллллллллллллллллл А А А л мммммммммммммммммммппммВВВо пллллллллллллллллл А А л ммлллллллллллллллллллллллммпппл плллллллллллллллА А Ал ммлллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллло плллллллллллллБААА А л мплллллллллллллп мммммл плллллллллллББ АА Ал мпАА пллллллллллллм плллллллллллмммм плллллллллВББ ААл пм ААА пллллллллллллм пллллллллллллллл GAMES плллллллВБББ Ал пм ББ Б пллллллллллллм лллллллллл NETWORK плллллоВББББ Ал пм ББББмплллллллллллллллллллллллллл iNTERNATiONAL плллоВВВВББ л пм ВВВВм пллллллллллллллллллллллл плм ппВВВБл пм пВВВ млппппппппппппппппппплп ппммВВВл пм мпВВВ БАА А А А ммппп BECAUSE WE ALL LOVE ппмл пппмммммммммммммммпп PLAYiNG COMPUTERGAMES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamesNet Policy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Previous Policies --------------------- a) Previous policies are hereby declared null and void. 2 - Membership of GamesNet -------------------------- a) HOSTS can only be appointed by one the members of GamesNet HQ. b) Any HOST or HUB is authorised to issue nodenumbers to new nodes and to connect them to the Network. He does have the obligation however to report this to GamesNet HQ within the shortest possible delay, using the appropriate application form. Furthermore, a 'Segment Update' has to be forwarded to the Nodelist Coordinator. c) Any HOST also has the right to appoint HUBS. d) Anyone can, in principle, become a node in GamesNet. However, the HQ reserves to right to deny someone access without having to state his/her reasons. e) Points are allowed in GamesNet but need to fill in the application form (POINT.AAN) and subsequently send this to the Nodelist Coordinator. Please rename this form to YOUR_NAME.FRM. 3 - Polling ----------- a) Every HOST is obliged to send and pick up mail at least once every 24 hours. HUBS and NODES are obliged to send and pick up mail at least three times a week, unless some other arrangement has been made with their uplink. b) Every HOST/HUB has the right to delete mail packets that still have not been picked up after two weeks. 4 - The functioning of HOST/HUB/NODES ------------------------------------- Sub1 - Hosts/Hubs a) Every Host/Hub is obliged to make the Info-file and Policy freely available on their BBS for downloading. b) The latest Policy should ALWAYS be passed on to Downlinks. c) A Host/Hub is obliged to carry ALL of the GamesNet echomail-areas and pass these on to their downlinks. These areas can be made 'pass-through'. d) A Host is responsible for his own 'Nodelist Segment'. Any changes in this segment will mean that the Host has to forward his particular segment, including changes, to the Nodelist Coordinator. Any requests from third parties for changes will not be processed. Third parties should address their Host/Hub for any change requests.. e) A Host/Hub is not allowed to pass on the echomail-areas HQ<>HOST<>HUB.100 and HQ<>RC<>HOST.100 to downlinks that don't act as such. f) Hosts and Hubs can use their own discretion as to which file areas they wish to carry. We do advise them to consult their downlinks first. Sub2 - Nodes/points a) Sysops in GamesNet are expected to inform their GamesNet users of the GamesNet rules. b) Nodes in GamesNet are obliged to carry the areas SYSOP_NL.100 and SYSOP_ENG.100, since those areas will be used to announce any changes. c) Points can NOT be connected to any of the SYSOP-areas. 5 - Moderators -------------- a) Moderators can only be appointed by the HQ members. b) Moderators will supervise their allocated area and watch out for messages that are in violation with this Policy. c) Rulings of moderators, sent to nodes, have to be adhered to unconditionally and if further 'violations' occur, the moderator can have the node disconnected of that particular area. d) Any further discussions about messages by moderators and expulsions are not allowed. e) In the case of differences of opinion between moderator and node, the HQ members will cast the deciding vote. Their decision is therefore final and binding. f) When the functioning of a particular moderator becomes questionable, the HQ or Coordinator has the right to relieve this moderator of his duties. g) A moderator will have at least a Point-number within GamesNet. h) All moderators need to be connected to the area MODERATOR.100 in which carboncopies will be placed of those messages of users/nodes that are 'in violation'. Should these violations continue, this person will be expelled from GamesNet. 6 - Echomail-areas ------------------ a) We expect everyone to express himself in a correct manner. Cursing, calling names, arguing etc. do not enhance the informative nature of the Network. Should, after a warning, someone still decide not to change his behaviour, expulsion from GamesNet will be forthwith. b) Offering and/or copying (C) software is prohibited by law and therefore not allowed within GamesNet. c) Submitting messages that lead to the direct or indirect exchange of (C) software are not allowed. d) GamesNet's primary aim is the exchange of experience and information relating to Games and their use. Try and stick to this! e) 'Chatting' about non-game topics is allowed but ONLY in the appropriate areas. f) Copying and/or forwarding messages to another Echomail Network is not allowed without the express permission of the HQ. g) GamesNet has 1 (one) test-area. We therefore ask people NOT to test in other areas. h) Advertising in GamesNet in any form is not permitted. Neither are messages allowed like 'Call my BBS' or 'I have some games to sell, who's interested in buying?' i) In GamesNet areas, the use of an alias is allowed. However, in SYSOP_NL.100, SYSOP_ENG.100 and HQ<>HOST<>HUB.100, the use of an alias is NOT allowed. j) When writing messages in any area, first check the language used in that area. So no dutch in english areas, and vice-versa. k) ALLFIX.100 is only to be used for file-searching. One can use Allfix, James or any other suitable file-robot for this. Handwritten messages are NOT allowed, except for messages by the moderator. l) All messages written in GamesNet areas should carry the GamesNet nodenumber of the sending system (100:*, 222:*, 223:*) m) When answering a message, please do NOT 'quote' the whole message but ONLY the part you want to react to. n) HATCH.100 is an area that will be used for annoucements of the files distributed by the Network. ONLY the HQ members will be allowed to write these messages. 7 - File-areas -------------- a) It is forbidden to automatically forward files, initially distributed by GamesNet, to any BBS that is not a member of GamesNet. b) All files that are distributed by GamesNet will be announced in the read-only area: HATCH.100 8 - Barren Realms Elite DoorGame. (BRE) --------------------------------------- a) Only GamesNet nodes are allowed to join the GamesNet BRE league. b) Requests by the BRE Coordinator (Erik Coolen) to the participating nodes concerning the functioning of the BRE league, should be complied with unconditionally. 9 - Node/pointnumber applications --------------------------------- a) As was stated before in Article 2, any HOST or HUB is authorised to issue nodenumbers to a new node. This can only be done after the completion and forwarding of the application form. b) Applications by points will have to be made at the BBS where he/she wants to become a point. Points will need to fill in the application form for points, POINTS.AAN The node will have forward this form to the Nodelist Coordinator. c) People that have been unable to find a HUB/HOST can forward their application to one of the GamesNet HQ members. Eventually you will receive word back through your BBS or mailer. Should you not have your own BBS or mailer, it would be best to call the BBS you applied with within the next 24 hours. HeadQuarter I : Saxenheim BBS, Vierhouten (NL) 31-(0)5771-1035 VFAST 31-(0)5771-1099 HeadQuarter II : TH Rijswijk BBS, Rijswijk (NL) 31-(0)70-3401534 VFAST 31-(0)70-3401540 VFAST -> Mail only HeadQuarter III : Games Unlimited BBS, Zoetermeer (NL) 31-(0)79-425544 31-(0)79-428375 VFAST 9 - Problems. (Who needs them...) --------------------------------- a) In case of doubt or competence as to the application of the above rules, and in any dispute between users and users, sysops and sysops, sysops and users etc., the GamesNet HQ will have the deciding vote. Their decision is therefore binding and precludes any further discussions. b) Please advise your HOST if you regularly experience problems when picking up your mail. 10 - Finally... --------------- a) We expect everyone to abide by these rules. In case of abuse or misconduct, the person involved will have to account for himself and could face serious consequences. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information, please contact: HeadQuarter I : Saxenheim BBS, Vierhouten (NL) 31-(0)5771-1035 31-(0)5771-1099 HeadQuarter II : TH Rijswijk BBS, Rijswijk (NL) 31-(0)70-3401534 VFAST 28K8 31-(0)70-3401540 VFAST 28K8 - Mail ONLY HeadQuarter III : Games Unlimited BBS, Zoetermeer (NL) 31-(0)79-425544 ZYXEL 19k2 31-(0)79-428374 VFAST 28K8 Changes for any GamesNet files can be crashed to: Edwin Trouwee, 100:100/4 (BBS List) Marcel Vis, 100:100/5 (Logoff Screen) Erik Coolen, 100:100/6 (BRE League) Edwin Neef, 100:100/7 (Nodelist updates)